Celebrating the local studentry’s love and admiration for Japanese culture, TsuNAMICon 2017, held at Philippine Normal University in Manila, got to showcase the colorful variety and burning passion of Filipinon enthusiasts from all over the metro earlier this year. Organized by PNU NAMI, a university organization that bridges both Filipino and Japanese culture together, TsuNAMICon 2017 featured a festival of creativity and talent, highlighted by wonderful performances. attractions and contests. arkadymac.com is their official media partner, and we are happy to bring you our coverage of their event.
PNU-NAMI’s celebration of Japanese culture within the campus has had a long legacy highlighted by with their previous Tanabata events, like the one we covered last year (for our coverage of Tanabata VII, click here.). Students from all over the university as well as enthusiasts from all over the Philippines were welcomed and treated to a friendly and festive atmosphere as everyone was bound by their common passion for Japanese culture, anime, manga, games and cosplay. The event was held at their gymnasium where the organization had set up booths along with their sponsors and partner organizations from other universities. There were merchandise stores with an assortment of goods, displays from exhibitors, as well as a booth where attendees can play fun games.
TsuNAMICon 2017 aimed to showcase the integration of Filipino to Japanese culture through booths, cosplay, games , contests, performances and especially their splendid Star-crosssed Lovers’ play, and all were appreciated by the many guests in attendance.
Congratulations to PNU-NAMI for a successful, well-prepared and organized event. We admire the sense of community that was evident all throughout. Many thanks as well for inviting us to their event as their media partner and for supporting cosplay and Japanese pop culture clubs and organizations all over Manila and helping them out with their events.
Many thanks to our Photographer Teptep, who got to handle our coverage that day. Thank you for dropping by, and do visit us again for more features here at arkadymac.com.
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