It was a party like no other as Nikke, the wildly popular third-person shooter action role-playing video game developed by Shift Up, and published by Level Infinite, celebrated its first anniversary with its Filipino players and fans at Star City last November 11.

It was a thrilling cosplay-themed celebration, designed for NIKKE fans and enthusiasts. NIKKE players got discounted tickets to Star City with promises of an unforgettable experience. The anniversary party was jam-packed with a wide array of activities, including opportunities for NIKKE fans to acquire exclusive merchandise and in-game prizes.

NIKKE’s first anniversary celebration proved to be a big hit, and it was a welcome opportunity for the Nikke community to get together and enjoy the passion for the game that they all share.

Many thanks to NIKKE for accommodating our team to cover the event. Many thanks to Chris, Keileen, Gian, and Irene for helping cover the event.
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