Lanz Grey
Reward for Capture: A free cheese burger xDD
Cosplay Characters: Assasin Cross, Dovahkiin, The Great Saiyan Man
Finisher/Limit Break/Special Move/Jutsu: Sonic Blow, Shout of the Dragon (fus ro dah), Kamehame ha
Crimes: I always throw my empty mineral water bottle wherever i want xDDD
Biograpy: I’m Lanz and I’ve been cosplaying for almost a year now and I’m having a blast. I don’t care about the money or the fame. I cosplay because it’s my passion and I want to have more friends and I’m just enjoying myself.
Message to the Youth: To be a great cosplayer, one must not seek the prize ahead. One must stay humble and enjoy what lies under your eyes, hahaha.