Woo-hoo! Is it just me or did this year just end too fast? What? Time is constant and that it’s just me? How absurd. Einstein would turn in his grave. Speaking of geniuses, Xtian Mack and Obito-kun cover two days’ worth of cosplay fun at the Ozine Fest Anime Figure Special 2012, the last major cosplay event this year.
Held during the last weekend of December at the Megatrade Hall 3 of SM Megamall, Ozine Fest featured lots of interesting activities which include a battle of the bands, auctions, quiz games, anime toy displays, and photo shoot and fan art contests. There was also the Ozine maid cafe. It would have been great but no one is allowed to take pictures inside. Well that sure takes the fun out of it. Just my two cents. I would have given my life savings for a pic with a clumsy maid.

Those who have been regulars on this site already know that our focus is the cosplay part of the event, and indeed, lots of cosplayers turned up to strut their staff, swords, wands, spears, scythes, tentacles, and what have you at the site. Lots of gorgeous cosplayers in attendance and some with really…interesting concepts. Well, as always, the text part of the post has always been an optional read even though I do make an effort to create it, but we all just want to see them cosplay pictures, right?
Photography assistance courtesy of Obito-kun, Topher, and John Lennon. Enjoy!

Too many great pics from this event that we need a Part 2. Be sure to visit us again soon, okay?