cosplay-mania-15-day-1-cosplayers_0148 highlights not only the best events in the Phillipines but also its cosplayers. We are fortunate enough to get an interview with him.  Here is our feature on one of the best male cosplayers here, Chun WX.

Chun WX, or sometimes Chun PH, is derived from his Chinese name, Chun Wu Xian, which he got from his mother. He used Chun as he got used to being called by his real last name. His real name, however, shall remain a mystery.



His first experience in the cosplay scene was actually an accident when he first went to Philippine Cosplay Convention in 2010. 4 years later, he attended Ozine Fest then made his debut at Toycon cosplaying Katsura from Gintama.


The cosplay community has been very friendly to him. He geeks out and makes friends with fellow cosplayers. The experiences he remembers the most are plenty but all worth mentioning, such as the time when he guested for Bicol Anigaiden, O-kun Fiesta 2016, and Best of Anime 2016, ranked #1 on WorldCosplay, won Best Male Cosplay Costume of the year in 2014, and joined Bishounen Society and the cast of Extreme Moments 3.









His most well-known and his favourite cosplay is Uta from Tokyo Ghoul. He put a lot of effort, passion, and time into making Uta a reality. Shizuo Heiwajima from Durarara!! is also one of his favourites as it is quick and hassle-free to cosplay.

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A character he is excited to cosplay, despite the difficulties of wearing a long wig, is Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII as it is his favorite from the series. He will be debuting Sephiroth at Extreme Moments 5. The characters he often cosplays are what he describes as ” astig na maangas na malupit at cool.” Often than not it’ll be because of the character’s background, looks, personality, or just simply a badass. He won’t cosplay someone who is haughty and complains a lot (or pabebe in Filipino slang).


Some of his biggest cosplay inspirations include Chinese cosplayer LalaAx, and Filipino cosplayers Liui Aquino and Izabel Cortez.  Liui Aquino is one his closest friend and mentor. He can always ask him for help and guidance. Izabel Cortez is the reason why he really pushed to cosplay Uta. When she shaved her head and wore head-to-toe body paint for Nova and cosplayed her for hours during an event, he knew that he could cut his hair and do henna tattoos for Uta and cosplay that long as well. He really saw her passion and dedication to cosplay.

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As we end this feature, Chun WX has a few words to say:

“I would like to thank Team Gwapings , sa nasama, Team Extreme Moments , Bishounen Society , Team arkadymac, Jagger Tribindino, Aldrich Obsuna , Alphard Penetrante, Jeff Ricalde, Eric DC , Liui Aquino, mommy Kei , Xtian Mack, my parents , Jennifer Abatayo and sympre God for being part of my cosplay life sila mga persons na nakasama at tumulong sakin throughout my journey”

“All cosplayers start as newbies, bale, dont be afraid na magfail kayu sa umpisa you can always try to improve it. There are many aspects in cosplay you can try to improve para gumanda outputs niyo. Say you’re not good at makeup you can improve other skills like wig styling cause making posing armor making so so on. Chill and just enjoy cosplaying wag kayo mamoblema sa pagimprove ng mabilisan.  It sometimes takes away the fun sa cosplaying.”


Thank you, Chun for letting us do this feature and providing us with some of the pictures.  Our thanks to Jeff Ricalde and Alphard Penetrante for some of their photos, as well as Chun’s other photographers.

Make sure to support Chun and to keep updated through his social media:

FB page : Chun PH

World Cosplay : Chun Wx

Deviantart : Chunwx42

Istagram: chun.wx

Thank you for visiting We hope to feature other prominent Filipino cosplayers in the future, so do drop by again soon.

Please click on a link to view slideshow.



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