With the end of the pandemic still nowhere in sight, we continue to rely on the heroism and dedication of all our front liners who put themselves and their loved ones at risk in the call of duty. One among them is a seasoned nurse who is a prominent cosplayer with equally impressive accomplishments. arkadymac.com is proud to feature Vanessa, frontliner and cosplayer.
Vanessa has been enjoying cosplay for many years now. She has won competitions, has been invited as a guest and judge at events, has been hired as an ambassadress for game and IT brands and has taken part in some of the biggest cosplay photo shoots in the country. Also as a Correspondent for arkadymac.com, she has covered the biggest cosplay, anime, gaming and pop culture events in the country. She has also modeled for clothing brand Perry in Disguise.
As a registered nurse, she also brings the same dedication and enthusiasm to her work. Her duties include ensuring patient safety and being an educator. Aside from her routine in her area, she has been strict in implementing safety measures not only for the patients, but for the patient’s relatives and her fellow health care workers as well.
COVID has been a deadly disease. Vanessa notes that despite the many patients they have helped to take care of and recover, there have been cases where patients had mild symptoms at first but would suddenly deteriorate and die.
Aside from the risks, Vanessa admits to us that working on the front lines has been a challenge. Getting to her hospital has been a trial unto itself with the limited means of transportation. She also relates to us the difficulty of not being able to eat, drink or even use the restroom during working hours when handling COVID positive cases because removing the respirator and PPE is difficult and troublesome.
Despite the hardships that the pandemic has brought, Vanessa has also seen the good thing that people have done for others. “I’ve seen people who donated PPEs for us. We really appreciate their effort, also generous people who appreciate our health care workers in every way possible. We also appreciate the people who do their best to stay at home and wear their masks properly when outside.”
Vanessa tells us that she finds cosplay relatable to her work. “Sometimes I think I’m cosplaying one of the characters in the game “AMONG US” whenever I’m wearing my PPEs.” While she finds it tiring to don and duff PPEs, she says she just tries to remember how hard it is to wear complicated costumes during shoots and cons and would feel that donning and duffing was actually easier.
Nurse Vanessa wishes to impart some reminders before we go. “Please always wear your masks PROPERLY and AT ALL TIMES. Observe social distancing, and as much as possible stay at home. If you’re doing those, you’re doing great. Keep it up! If not, please try harder. We are all facing this pandemic together. Please support your health care workers and other front liners in our fight against COVID 19.”