The cosplay community has been excited as the much-anticipated comeback of live events finally arrives with Cosplay.ph’s first hybrid event, Cosplay Mini Matsuri, to be held at the SMX Convention Center from December 28 to December 30, 2021. Preparations have been made in earnest to ensure that health and safety protocols are strictly observed and that the event is organized in the best possible way. It’s been two years since the last major cosplay convention and the organizers want to ensure everyone finds a safe space within the event in order to enjoy themselves.
Tickets for the event have already sold out, but everyone can still join in as one of the online audience members, who can watch and participate in the games, join the raffle and get a chance to win prizes and get a glimpse of what’s going on at the convention through event updates!

For over six years, Cosplay Matsuri has been the community’s favorite year-end event, and Cosplay Mini Matsuri will the first hybrid event by Cosplay.ph and will accommodate both onsite and online festivities! Programs will run all three days, and will feature games, contests, features, attractions, raffles and auctions that the attendees are sure to enjoy. Acclaimed cosplayer from Thailand Thames Malerose will also be joining in the festivities as a special guest.

Cosplay Matsuri will definitely be an event to remember as we all continue to hope for better days amidst the pandemic.

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