highlights not only the best events in the Phillipines but also its cosplayers. We are fortunate enough to get a small interview with her. Here is our feature on one of our members, our photographer Mitchaki.
Mitchaki was invented by a friend of hers. It’s a combination of her name Mitch and Yata Misaki, one of her favorite characters from K Project and the first male character that she cosplayed. Her real name is Mitchelle Jeung-Oh Doblada, she being half Korean.
She started cosplaying in November 2013. Her first convention was at SMX but she can’t remember what event was it. She cosplayed Mikasa Ackerman using her real hair.
She loves getting to interact with people of all ages. Her most memorable experience is first time she met Tomia in Singapore during Cosfest SEA, Jan 2016. When she came to PH for CosMania 2016, She had the chance to meet her again. She was planning to introduce herself again, but Tomia remembered her!
One of most favourite (and probably spent the most money on) cosplay is Eli Ayase of Love Live! She has cosplayed 17 different versions idolized maid being one of her favorite versions. When cosplaying male characters, she loves cosplaying her anime crushes. When cosplaying female characters, she likes the character to have a strong personality and her outfits must not be too revealing. Anyone who has really accurate cosplays inspires her to keep cosplaying.
Mitchaki has a message for the people who guided her in her cosplay journey :”I want to thank my parents for allowing me to go places for my photo shoots ❤ Bro, thanks for always fetching me. Hyung, for letting me use your stuff haha.”
“Hamunasya, I definitely won’t forget this group ❤ Aze, Aldrich, Lim, Neko… Thanks for taking care of me since my first few months in the cosplay community :3
I also want to thank Vanie, Jemimah, and Kang as well. I learned a lot from these girls ❤ Arkadymac team, I’m very grateful for all the opportunities! To all the photographers who took photos of me, and to everyone who appreciates my cosplays… thank you so much! ”
She also has some advice:” For anyone starting out cosplay:It’s alright to buy costumes or ask someone else to make them. However, keep in mind that quality comes at a price. Respect the rates of the crafters.Know the character you are cosplaying. You can try playing the game or watch the anime. If someone asks you to pose for photos but you’re busy doing something else, you can say “no”.
Thank the photographers and credit them when you share your photos 😊”
If you would like to see more of Mitchaki’s work, you can follow her on:
Facebook page: Mitchaki
Thank you, Mitchaki, for letting us interview you. Credits to Donnie Medina, Bernard Garbo, Eric DC, Kira Hokuten, Marlon Alcazar, Romeo Encisa, Erving Go, Imel Aimeru, Japs Antido, Ruichi Realista, and Neko Shie for some of the pictures. Thanks for visiting We hope to interview some more cosplayers in the future.
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