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The local cosplay and otaku community is sustained by groups who have been reaching out to individuals who would have otherwise remained alone in their own small worlds.  Otakus and cosplayers often feel estranged from other people because of what others consider as unusual hobbies and passions, but groups, either live or online, offer acceptance to those looking for a place to belong.


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TMCOC, the Triangular Movement of Creative Otakus and Cosplayers, is one such group born online but has since went out to meet its member in the outside world.  They get to meet at conventions, photoshoots and other events, but his time around they have put lots of effort into gathering for their second anniversary celebration.


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Despite a looming storm and the threat of heavy rains, the group went ahead to meet at a public park.  There they got to see old friends and got acquainted with new ones.  There they just huddled together, shared stories, caught up on each other’s lives, chatted about their latest favorite series, and helped each other prepare their costumes.


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Founder Hideco also got to celebrate his birthday and got to share some birthday fare with the members.  Others also got to bring food which they happily shared with everyone.  It may not be much, but sharing a simple meal with everyone in the group was meaningful to those who each one there.


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There was enough time to do photoshoots as everyone was game and the photographers there were eager to have their shots.  Even if they just had simple cosplays on, they were happy to have the chance to cosplay and have shots they would remember this day and to remember each other by.


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Everybody was having much fun that it had gotten late already.  Before anyone left, the admins started the raffle. The prizes were donated by some of their members who wanted to share some of their favorite items with other members, and winners were of course happy and gracious to get to go home with some nice gifts.


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Members got to say their goodbyes before it got dark, all happy and grateful to have gotten the opportunity to meet each other again or for the first time and have some fun.  Being a witness that afternoon showed me how even a simple get-together can foster belongingness with each other, something I feel we need in the community.


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