The widely popular themed event that introduced the night club life to the local cosplay and anime community is back with a vengeance. JAPANIGHT+ Cosplay x Anisong DJ Club will take fans once again to another dimension as a one-night-only music and cosplay night festival, happening on November 11, 2023, at Brooklyn Warehouse, Recto, Manila.

Presented by OtaCutE Event DAO and EXOSIA Project, will be back as its own event ,JAPANIGHT+ Cosplay x Anisong DJ Club will be featuring idol performances, bands, and AniKura & Cosplay DJ performances that’s sure to be another night to remember!
TICKETS ARE NOW OPEN FOR PRE-REGISTRAITION! Reserve your slots now!: https://forms.gle/csfU8K1K8cC5Ah3h9

EVENT PAGE: https://fb.me/e/TFryP#cota
Click here to see the previous JAPANIGHT!:
For arkadymac.com’s coverage of the last JAPANIGHT, click here:
JAPANIGHT+ is presented by OtaCute Event DAO and Exosia Project
Strategic Partner: COT / Cosplay Token
arkadymac.com has been a media partner for the JAPANIGHT series, so we hope to see you there as we have a special coverage of the event.
#JAPANIGHTPH #OtaCuteDAO #AngatEXOSIA #COT #arkadymac