Sharing the love of Japanese culture and school life for almost two decades, PNU NAMI stays true to fostering a community bound by their common passion for Japanese anime, music, cosplay and fandoms. This year, their biggest public event, NAMI Matsuri 2024: Stars Beneath the Ethereal Sea, held at the AV Theater at EPD HALL and at the catwalk of PNU Manila last June 30, 2024, follows in the long line of fun and engaging events that their fabled school organization has been known for inside and outside of the university.

PNU NAMI, an organization with a fabled legacy of bridging both Filipino and Japanese culture together, has had many previous incarnations of their grand, yearly event, like Tanabata and TsunamiCon. This year, NAMI Matsuri continues this ardent desire to invite everyone, PNU students or otherwise, for a celebration of creativity and passion, highlighted by wonderful performances and friendly competition, all in a festive atmosphere as everyone was bound by their common love and appreciation for Japanese culture, anime, music, games and cosplay. After kicking off with an online event last June 26, 2024 with fun games and contests, the main event finally came on June 29, 2024 at the PNU campus amid anticipation and fanfare.
PNU NAMI Matsuri is a festival for the community, and the many colorful and lively booths and exhibitors at the PNU Catwalk invited attendees to happily partake in games and shopping. Janken Hammer, Senbonbiki: Thread of Fortune, Matsuri no Iro, and Janken Hammer had participants enjoying some lighthearted fun, while booths including Beadoodie, Normal Nostalgia Hueycendee, Latria Mulittle Shop, Paimon’s Magical Bargain, Hooks ‘N Loops, and Magudarena Kimono had attendees busy shopping for merch, art, clothing, crafts, accessories and more.

Thre AV Theater at EPD HALL meanwhile was where NAMI Matsuri 2024 held their program with exciting and engaging games, raffles, performances, highlighted by a phenomenal singing contest and cosplay competition, showcasing the talent of students from all over the university and beyond. There was also a fascinating meet and greet with the Tokusatsu Fan Squad and a talk about their experience with World Cosplay Summit.

arkadymac.com’s correspondents there to help with the judging. Yanna, Anmu and Shizu got to judge alongside talented fellow judges Sanae and Teelo Rye for the Singing Contest and Cosplay Competition.

As the program drew to a close, NAMI showed its appreciation to the people and groups which have made NAMI Matsuri a reality, like the judges of the different contests as well as the event’s generous sponsors.

It was then time to announce and award the winners of the various contests including those from the prior online event, like the Anime Quiz Bee, Japanese Culture Quiz Bee, Digital Poster Making Competition, and Haiku Writing Competition, and of course the winners of the Ume no Uta Singing Competition and Cosplay Competition.

We were of course there for the cosplayers who turned out for the event, among them were NAMI members as well who enjoyed cosplaying besides all the other things they had to do for the event. Many other students from the school also enjoyed having their pictures taken with them.

Congratulations to PNU-NAMI for a successful and enjoyable event. We truly admire the sense of community that was evident all throughout the festivities. At a time when uninspired, highly commercial and emotionally detached cookie-cutter cosplay, anime and pop culture events have become too common, NAMI Matsuri provides an example of how genuine inclusion and engagement of the grassroots community makes for a wholesome, friendly, fulfilling and memorable event that anyone, new or experienced to the hobby, can enjoy.

Many thanks to PNU as well for inviting us to their event and for having us as their media partner the past 9 years. arkadymac.com shall always support you in all your events and endeavors.
Many thanks to our Correspondents Yanna, Anmu and Shizu for helping us cover the event, as well as to our Photographer Ru for his shots.

And thank you for dropping by. Do visit us again for more features here at arkadymac.com.
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