The first and only student-organized online anime convention in the country returns as TouCon Online 2022 brings fans together on June 17-19 for an entire weekend of fun events, prizes, exhibitors, and surprises. TouCon is the yearly interactive convention that is all about Japanese pop culture, and its transition online has increased its reach and inclusion of fans all over the world.
TouCon Online 2022 will take place from June 17 to 19, 2022 on the TouCon Discord server, with the stage activities taking place on their Facebook page and Twitch. Gates to the convention floor will open on June 17, 9 AM. Entry to TouCon is free and open to all!
There will also be a cosplay competition and dubbing competition for fans to take part in and enjoy.

June 17 Dubbing Contest: Register at https://bit.ly/TouCon22DubbingSignups

June 19 Cosplay Contest: Register at https://bit.ly/TouCon22CosplaySignups
TouCon is organized by Toushin, an independent student organization dedicated to promoting Japanese art, pop and contemporary culture, and their theme this year is Festival night in the city.
arkadymac.com is an official media partner for TouCon Online 2022, so we hope to catch you there as we cover the event.