

Had a great time the first time I cosplayed and did a coverage of the Ati-atihan Festival in Kalibo, Aklan last year, with my brother Bryan taking photos.  The streets were colorful, noisy and alive, and I can just walk around in my ANBU cosplay without feeling out of place.  Had people take pictures with me, had fun dancing around to the maddeningly festive beat of the drums, and had a great time seeing people just being friendly with each other.


ati costume native tribal kalibo aklan festival
Imaginative bird-inspired costume on this cheerful girl.


For this special occasion, I customized one of my masks into a special black tribal ANBU Ati-atihan version.  As for the rest of my costume, it was the first time I used it so the fitting and the design … wasn’t quite there yet but it was enough to at least have some people recognize me as an ANBU.  Had fun as people took pictures of me and with me.  It was an exhilarating experience, one I doubt I’ll ever forget.




Sadly, even though I had vowed to come back this year, I wasn’t able to do so because of many things.  Hopefully I can go back next year so I can feel the excitement again.  Will need to go now, but I hope you’ll take some time to look at my brother’s photos.











ati costume native tribal kalibo aklan festival float Impressive floats with moving parts.
Impressive floats with moving parts.



ati costume native tribal kalibo aklan festival Outlandish tribal designs fashioned from native materials.
Outlandish tribal designs fashioned from native materials.








Festive and happy faces all around


Thank you very much.  Do drop by again for more features here at


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