Nothing welcomes the changing seasons better than a fresh face that marks the start of an uncertain but exciting time. Just months shy of a decade of celebrating its tenth anniversary in service to the cosplay community, arkadymac.com continues to bring forward cosplayers who bring their passion and talents to their craft. We are then proud to share our work with our team’s latest member who has already covered events and had written articles for our website. We present our newest writer and correspondent, Anmu, in her very first feature.

“I’ve been cosplaying for almost five years now, ” Anmu exclaims, her face beaming with both earnestness and a bit of pride. We ask her how she got drawn into cosplaying. “There are a lot of anime fans in my family. Naturally, I was drawn to anime and became a fan as well. As time went on, I saw cosplayers having photoshoots at MOA, and I was amazed by them. It made me want to be like them and dress up like my favorite anime characters. Because we were all interested in starting from the ground up, we got along very well.”

We ask Anmu what have been the best things that have happened to her since she started cosplaying. “I found a new side of myself that I didn’t know I had. I also got to make new acquaintances. And recently, I have had the opportunity to grow and became a part of arkadymac.com.” Since joined the website, she has led the coverages of the very first major live cosplay events, like the Otasuke 2022 Anisong Festival and Cosplay Mini Matsuri 2021.

“Cosplay can be challenging and difficult too,” Anmu admits. “If the character doesn’t fit me or I don’t fit the character, I get discriminated against as a cosplayer and not just as myself. It doesn’t make sense to say that cosplay is only for people who want to look like a character. In the first place, cosplay is for everyone, and not just people who want to look like a character.”

We ask her how she thinks cosplay can play a positive in people’s lives. “All people can do cosplay, and it can be a way to deal with their problems,” she tells us. “I personally like to cosplay because it is a way for me to get away from myself. It also helps me improve my social skills and confidence, and I can grow as a person and learn more about myself as I do it.”

While enjoying the present, Anmu is hopeful for the future. “One of my goals is to become a doctor. In order to become a doctor, it will take a lot of hard work and dedication, but I know that everything will pay off and that is what I want to achieve in life.”
As we close our interview, Anmu says she has a lot to be thankful for. “I want to express my gratitude to everybody who has helped me get to where I am now, and I guarantee that I will not disappoint you. I intend to work even harder to reach the top.”
Anmu has since become a valuable member of our team, and along with all our other members, expect to see more of her as arkadymac.com becomes a media partner for more live events.

We like to thank our wonderful photographers Mat and Jake for their images of Anmu.
Thank you for dropping by, and do visit us again for more cosplay features here at arkadymac.com.