
Cosplay correspondents Nyanbu and Obito-kun and lead photographer Brymac at the set of  ToyCon and Hero Face Off 2013, the biggest events of the season.


The senior staff of Xtian Mack’s Cosplay and Anime Cafe went out in full force last Sunday to bring you our special coverage of Day 3 of the Philippine Toys, Hobbies and Collectibles Convention 2013, or ToyCon 2013, and the Hero Face Off Cosplay Cosplay Competition, the the biggest and most-awaited pop culture events in the country.   During its 3-day run from June 14-16, the ToyCon had lots of games, surprises, celebrities, booths, and freebies for everyone.  There’s something for everyone as the event is filled with all things fun and interesting about pop culture, from games, toys, hobbies, collectibles, movies and TV, anime and manga, comics and music.



Nyanbu and Sean as Konohamaru posing for the cameras.



 Conventions are the best places to find fantastic cosplays, like this one of Chun Li from the Street Fighter series.



This lovely Kagura cosplayer poses with Obito and Nyanbu.



 Nyanbu and Obito-kun fit right in with these fun-loving Naruto cosplayers.




 We caught up with this pretty lady for an amazing photoshoot at the carpark as night fell.



One of our next-to-mandatory anime special effects shots with our cosplay friends.



 And we thought cute little  maids can’t get any better.



The stunning Alodia Gosengfiao never fails to enthrall the crowd.


Rock Band ChicoSci whips the audience into a frenzy at Hero Face Off.



Our friend Ken as Orochi from SNK’s King of Fighters series.


 Conventions are events where cosplayers get to goof off after doing a long day of cosplaying work  Well, okay. They goof off while working too.  


Our friend, Sir Dave, as Master Pogi from Dragon Ball, enjoys interacting with the crowd.


Conventions are where cosplayers get to meet old friends and meet new ones.


And starting with this event we will be choosing someone as Cosplayer of the Day, an award handed out to the cosplayer who catches our fancy. Criteria are: 1. epicness, 2. nostalgic value or equivalent, and 3. sheer awesomeness.  These vague criteria are compounded by an even more dubious scoring system involving three judges: Nyanbu, Obito-kun and photogrpaher Brymac.

And our winner for Cosplayer of the Day is this fabulous Emporio Ivankov from One Piece, 2 votes against one, so that’s Nyanbu and Brymac’s “Yeah” versus Obito-kun “What the … is that?” Those who watch one Piece will certainly appreciate this zany okama and the effort alone of cosplaying him/her/it is grounds alone for a decisive win.  For his wonderful effort, this cosplayer will receive a lovely item from during the next time we see him.



Thank you for visiting, and we hope you’ll visit us again soon for more great coverages of the hottest cosplay events in the metro.


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