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Cosplay action hits northern Manila as Mission Terminator Cosplay Challenge took place over the weekend at SM Valenzuela.  Organized by Naruto Cosplayers of he Philippines, the event sought to promote  upcoming American action spy film Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation as well as currently showing science fiction action film Terminator Genisys.


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There was a festive atmosphere at the event center of SM Valenzuela as cosplayers from all over gathered to take part in the competition.  Starting early that afternoon, the event was hosted by NCPH President and seasoned cosplayer David D’Angelo.


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The event saw the launch of the Cosplay Against Bulling Campaign, an endeavor which sought to have cosplayers and  raise awareness about the problem of bullying and have everyone come up with solutions to this societal problem. Other branches of NCPH abroad have already begun the movement, and the organizations will be going all-out with the campaign in the coming weeks.  Speaking to the audience about the Cosplay Against Bulling Campaign was Derek of our media partner, Blue Pirate Channel.


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To warm things up, some invited cosplayers put on action-filled performances on stage and got to be interviewed afterwards about what it feels like to be a cosplayer.


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Then came time for the main event, the Cosplay Challenge, where 20 cosplayers took to the stage and amazed the crowd with exciting and innovative performances while in their amazing costumes.  The Valenzuela crowd was particularly supportive, cheering the cosplayers on.


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By the end of the competition, scores were tabulated and the winners were announced.  Don Robert won the best Mission Impossible/Terminator Category as the Terminator, Jayson as Best Male as Kamen Rider Decade, and Snow as Best Female as White Walker from Game of Thrones.  They got to go home with great prizes courtesy of SM Valenzuela.


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Cosplayers also got to enjoy being with the crowd, having their pictures taken and having pictures with them.  Mall patrons young and old got to enjoy seeing the cosplayers in their impressive costumes and couldn’t get enough of them.


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We’re glad to have had some time to take some shots of the really friendly cosplayers who got to attend the event.  They said they had fun there.


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It was short but sweet.  Mission Terminator Cosplay Challenge did pretty well considering the short time they had to prepare, so hats off to NCPH for a job well done bringing the event together and making sure everything went smoothly.


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Thank you for dropping by, and do visit us again for more features here at arkadymac.com.


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